Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Purple Bundle from April

Yes, from April.  I'm so far behind it isn't even funny.  And if it seems like I'm sewing more than I can wear, you aren't wrong.  Sometimes, it's what I need to do.  And I give some away, so there's that.

This was from a bundle I purchased last September.  I think I sorted my bundles by color after that trip, because I'm finding that the bundles I have now have coordinated, but not matching, colors and patterns in them.  In any event, I wanted purple that week.

First, I made what I call my Lines Dress.  It is Butterick pattern B5559, and it has pintucks emanating in a sunburst pattern from the waist at one side.  The relative from Denver was wearing something similar when she came to visit a few years back, and I absolutely coveted it.  So when I found the pattern, I had to have it.  Then I didn't sew for 3 years.  Ah, well, the pattern waited for me.  And when I saw this gorgeous royal purple, I knew what it wanted to be.  The picture of the dress hanging shows the details, but the one of me wearing it is the true color.

I also made a tee shirt dress from the same color, this one short sleeved.  I've no idea what pattern I sued, because it's pretty generic.  But I've worn it several times, because, again, I love this color.
Next up: pale purple.  First, a V-backed dress from a soft knit fabric.  This is McCall's pattern M7628.  It has some great detailing at the waist seam, which zig zags up and down by about 3", but this deep vee back is really the star of the show.  It also has a slightly asymmetric hem, which is interesting in appearance.

And there was a little bit of this left over, so I made Maddie a little dress to match; hers has a pocket on it, so she can carry around her valuable things, like stuffed animals or crayons.  The shoulder ruffles were just because I could.

I just hope her Mama is smart enough to check her pockets to be certain she's not washing crayons, because I assure you that if the crayons make it to the dryer, not only is that entire load of laundry ruined, you'll probably have to throw away your dryer, unless you're a stubborn old mule, and studiously clean the entirety of your dryer drum with nail polish remover.  Take it from this stubborn old mule.

Happy Wednesday, everyone!


  1. Now you're into my color group. I'm not much into greens, but purple, yes. I have one of those sunburst dresses in black and I like it though it doesn't get much wear. My aunt once hid a box of chocolate marshmallow cookies in the dryer so her kids wouldn't find them. My uncle threw some clothes in without looking. What a mess. She got a new dryer as long as she swore she'd never hide food in it.

  2. Both of yours are beautiful and little Maddie's is adorable. Crayons in the dryer sounds like a nightmare!

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